Sunday, February 17, 2013

1 year!

As I logged onto my blog early this morning I realized it's been over 2 months since I've posted last. Oops! I guess it is true that time flies when you're having fun! Instead of taking the time to back track on my posts,  I'll give a quick recap of the past couple months. (And Sheresa, if you are reading this, I'm afraid I am way to boring to be part of your Liebster award, although I was flattered you tagged me!)

December: We enjoyed another great Christmas while juggling some house projects at our new place in Fort Wayne. The highlight was going home to Ohio at the end of the month for my family Christmas.

January: January was a busy month with last minute house painting & cleaning. All that I can say is a huge THANKS- specifically to my parents and my mother-in-law Myra. You blessed Jon and I with so much help that it made everything a lot less stressful. We moved the third weekend in January on a beautiful, sunny day, ending it with a pizza party with two special families.

Now on to February. We are adjusting well to Fort Wayne and enjoying the many perks of being close to things, especially Jon's work! We started attending Leo AC church and that has been a great transition as well as the people have been very warm and friendly. 

Anyway, the real reason I even got on the blog was to share a very special date. It was one year ago on this day that we saw Josiah for the first time. Click here to recap on this very special time in our lives.

Sadly, a year later, I still haven't sorted through all the videos and pictures we took during this weekend to upload some new ones to share. In the meantime, here is my favorite video I shared last year of Jon announcing our referral to Grandpa and Grandma Ringger.

Josiah's referral pictures. I'll never forget the moment the first pictures popped open to the most gorgeous baby I had ever seen.